Escape from 2🧻2🧻
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In 2020, everyday life became something that modern humans had only imagined, a time that few of us ever expected to experience. Entire cities were forced to shelter in place as a deadly pandemic raced across the globe, yet modern technology allowed like-minded people—for better and worse—to continue communicating. A shared recognition of flawed leadership and unjust enforcement of it led to a summer of angry protests, and riots erupted when attempts were made to suppress them. Autumn, too, brought sharp conflict between factions and desperate grasps for power in the highest seats of government. Jobs were in scarce supply and many, unable to work, watched their financial foundations drain away without hope of recovery. By the end of the year, we saw a historic increase in murders as fearful and frustrated citizens clashed in their desperation simply to survive. Even the very earth was literally shaken, burned, and lashed with storms.
With their mandated quarantines, Los Angeles, New York, and other large cities had effectively become prisons for millions. Those who dared to go out often became embroiled in conflict. Their movements might be traced and recorded. If they didn't comply with official guidelines, they might be refused service or even charged with crimes. Many fled the cities in search of a safer way of life, but no place on earth was unaffected by the upheaval. In November the New York Post reported, "The escape from New York is fueled not only by coronavirus concerns, but economic worries, school chaos, and rising crime."